I'm more open to missions...
Just reflecting today, and I've realized how God has changed my attitude to world missions. In the beginning of my Christian walk, I was never interested in these things. But slowly during the past year or two, I've been having a heart to meet people from every nation and bless them, and learn from them. I want to learn what God is doing around the world, to be blessed and to be a blessing. I want to care about the orphans and the widows, the broken and the poor.
I'm taking this course called "Perspectives" and at first I was unsure whether or not this course would be really helpful to me, but I'm going to try and have an open heart to learn. I think that I am learning slowly from the course, I especially like hearing stories of missionaries in different places and how God worked through them.
I'm playing around in my head with the idea and thought of doing long-term mission work. I think it would be really hard to give up the comforts of western life, or perhaps not seeing my family and friends for a long time. But Lord, I am willing, all you need to do is lead and guide me.
Whoever is reading this blog...(ryan I know you are! Thanks man!) .....there is a possibility that I may do a short-term mission to South Africa. I'm really excited about the possibility and hope that I will be accepted to go. I just want to learn about this nation, and bless them, and give them hope......Hope for this continent that has been ravaged by war and disease and exploitation...So pray for me..that if it's His will, God might allow me to go....
I'm not sure if I'm the right person to be part of the team that's going to Africa, but only God knows, and it's so easy to assess based on human wisdom...but God knows what's best for the team.