Sunday, November 18, 2007

Guiding Light & In his time ....Part 2

So I'm presently in the process of sending applications for a new job. I admit that I've struggle with this a lot. But recently I found a new found motivation to press on and perservere with this. I don't know what God has in store, but I need to have faith that God has good things ahead.

God have mercy...

I know that I screw my life a lot. I stumble way too much. I make promises to God that I don't keep, and I utterly fail so much at my attempts to be holy, and to do what is right. I utterly fail at believing in God's best for me, and instead run my own course and forget about Him. It's new prayer and habit that I want to come before God and ask for mercy, grace, compassion and strength on a continual basis because I recognize how much I need God.


I did mention that there was something that I have been praying. A personal request to God....It's good what I think God said to me...he didn't say "no"...He said wait and see. Be patient....So often we rush things and it's not God's timing....Be patient He tells me :) ..... I don't feel I have much control right now. I feel like I have to allow God to take control and let it play out according to God's will.


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