Beauty in the broken...
I was thinking the other day, how far God has taken me. It's funny how God quickly can change your perspective. For a while I was praying that he would take me further ever gone before to the point where I would be wanting nothing, and would have nothing to offer. And to the point of complete trust and utter dependence. But the other day, He reminded that he did take me there. As I look back at my experiences, he has taken me to the point of bankruptcy, and complete brokenness. Oh how those were hurtful times when God humbled and crushed me.
But it's so wonderful how God has a way of restoring us and completing us even when we feel so broken. He has a way of making the broken beautiful, and restoring it. That's way I like this song by Starfield. The lyrics are a reflection of how I feel sometimes.....
Unashamed - Starfield
I have not much To offer YouNot near what You deserve
But still I comeBecause Your cross Has placed in me my worth
Oh, Christ my King Of sympathy Whose wounds secure my peace Your grace extends To call me friend
Your mercy sets me free And I know I'm weak I know I'm unworthy To call upon Your name But because of grace Because of Your mercy I stand here unashamed I can't explain This kind of love I'm humbled and amazed That You'd come down From heavens heights And greet me face to face Here I am at Your feet In my brokeness complete
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