Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Disarming the heart...

Well I think one can argue that there is truth in every religion, not just Christianity. The Dalai Lama is in Canada visiting the PM and making speeches, and promoting peace. I'm not advocating his religion, but he does have a point when he says that there is an inner conflict of the human soul which is jealousy and hatred. And the only solution is to replace those distructive attitudes with compassion and a holistic world view. He also says that we can look at each other with compassion because we came all from a common place: our mother's womb. He suggests that this is the solution to the world's problems - global warming, terrorism and war. But I suppose that stopping here would be a faulty thing to do because we can't disarm our hearts with mere human means. We can change our hearts alone. We can't save ourselves. The only solution is Jesus Christ. The world needs Jesus, to save us, and to change our hearts. I guess it's a personal reminder of what my life-long mission is all about.


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