Sunday, May 30, 2004

What will you say about me???

A song that means something to me...
Take My Life

Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee
Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise
Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of thy love
Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for thee

Take my voice and let me sing, always, only for my King
Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from thee
Take my silver and my gold, not a mite would I withhold
Take my intellect and use every power as You choose

Here am I all of me
Take my life it's all for thee

Take my will and make it thine, it shall be no longer mine
Take my heart it is thine own, it shall be thy royal throne
Take my love my Lord I pour at Your feet it's treasure store
Take myself and I will be ever, only, all for thee

The wedding was an experience, I won't forget. It was special because I could feel and taste a little of their love for each other. It made me emotional, ahhh, watery eyes here and that is a wedding I care about going to and that is a wedding I will make mine!...So what will you say about me, when it's my turn to get married? when my Best man goes and makes his speech and pays tribute to me?? Will they say that I am a Godly man?, selfless, generous?, kind? compassionate, passionate? what will he say?? what a challenge to me hearing the speeches today...Yes praise yu, that you are indeed the foundation of everything!! yay!

am I selfish??...How to seek the kingdom of God...

Reading from scripture you teach me to care about what you care about, to desire to build your church and to reach out and make believers, to edify and encourage my bros and sisters, to walk uprightly and holy..with reverence..
you also teach me to pray for your will to be done, to pray for the things that you care about and not to be selfish and think about myself. Lord you indeed know my heart, and what I love, desire and want. I rest in your love god...

"Let me learn by paradox, that the way down is the way up, that to be low is to be high, that the broken heart is the healed heart, that the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit, that the repenting soul is the victorious soul, that to have nothing is to possess all, that to bear the cross is to wear the crown, that to give is to receive, that the valley is the place of vision."

Friday, May 21, 2004

more reflections..


God I pray that the hillsong worship team get to see a moose!!haha..

but on a serious note...

I pray that we will have fun in chicago, see something new!, pray I can see my mentor, and shake his hand, and say thank you!..


Yesterday was great, went to the worship night by hillsong united, touched in a positive way, moved to live with abandonment, and pure devotion for God once again, praising you for all that you are. Indeed there is a heart for ministry related to worship and music. I'm ready when you call me forward to do more for you. But for the time being I will do what I can to influence all that is around me. Especially my church and small group. Yesterday I gave it all back to you, my life, and things that are precious to me. Praise is a powerful thing isn't it? to encourage each other and strengthens our walk, gives us passion, teaches us who we are and gives us power to fight the darkness and win many souls for you.

Hey to my best friend, thank you for all your support it means a lot to me!, I have to say this again, that you have indeed added to my life, so much!, I'm different because of you!, that's the truth. Thank you! I'm happy to see that you are growing and pursuing your dreams, and doing what you need to do. I'm behind you, and will support you all the way!

Father, you encourage me to not accept the way things are, but to be a positive influence around me. Use me to do more for you.

You teach me to trust in you. You carry me like a father carries his own son. You watch over me, and you sustain and provide for me. Even though I walk through the valleys you are with me. and of course the mountaintops!..You only ask me to trust you.

Indeed I commit my career into your hands. I'm going to make plans and just do it. Feel free to mess them up God!..haha..

Sunday, May 16, 2004

I love you..

Just want to say I love you God!, I need you soo much, more than I know or realize..I love you Jesus, my lifeline, my everything...I love You..

Songs that come out of my heart..


I’ll worship at Your throne, Whisper my own love song
With all my heart I’ll sing, For You my Dad and King
I’ll live for all my days, To put a smile on Your face
And when we finally meet, It’ll be for eternity

And oh how wide You open up Your arms,
When I need your love and how far You would come,
If ever I was lost, You said that all You feel for me
Is undying love that, You showed me through the cross

I’ll worship You my God, I’ll worship You my God
I love You, I love You
Forever I will sing, Forever I will be with You
Be with You

I’ve had questions

I’ve had questions, without answers
I’ve known sorrow, I have known pain
But there’s one thing that I’ll cling to
You are faithful, Jesus you’re true

When hope is lost, I’ll call you savior
When pain surrounds, I’ll call you healer
When silence falls, you’ll be the song within my heart

I’m alone now, in my sorrow,
through the darkest night of my soul
You surround me and sustain me, my defender,
Forever more,

And I will praise you and I will praise,
When the tears fall, still I will sing to you
Through the sufferer still I will sing

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Not To Us...It's all for you!

It's not to's all for you..Yes it's all about you Jesus. What a wonderful lesson this sunday you taught me. How many times I have come to church, seeking something, seeking an experience like your a vending machine!! deserve much more than that... And how often do I let my pride get in the way, cause I'm in the praise team, boy! my ego can get in the way..and serving more in leadership roles...boy that can get my ego high!..Keep me humble lord!, It's about you. The right attitude?? ....What can Joshua give?..don't hold anything back!

I'm giving a lot I think..In church, cell, work, and relationships. But you remind me to rest, and pray and listen, and read your word first! often I can get caught up in service, and forget about that one thing first.. ..

I feel your blessing upon my life..I feel so much more passionate about you God, my heart is yours! sweep me away with your presence in my life, and your blessings in my life. My family!, what a wonderful family, ...relationships!, what gifts from God! especially...*******!!! :)...

I feel you peace in my life right now, that things are going to be okay!, you are watching over my life, and my experiences.

So I throw away my pride, showing off..and put on humility.. It's all for you...not me!.. gonna do whatever you tell me to do!..

I commit the new addition to my life..God you be there, I know you watch over us.. truly may you be glorified in all of this.. guide us and give us grace and wisdom. We have nothing to fear, cause your with us..

Thursday, May 06, 2004


You love me God!, everything that will happen to me, whether good or bad you allow! for good reason!..So I'm taking it all in...Grant me wisdom!...change my character and the way I think and see things. Also...! me to respond to whatever circumstances in a Godly manner.

Bubble tea..
Yeah just got home from bubble tea...we had a nice talk about many things. It was great!..boys will be boys!! haha.. You let me know I'm going to be okay!...

Work day..
well, work was alright..nothing that interesting or fascinating!...

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I do what I do the rest..

Yeah, went to work, then went to worship practice soon after. I'm starting to read again...I'm reading the Cather in the rye..I remember reading it in highschool, but it was long ago, I thought it would interesting to go back and read interesting stuff again. It's a good book, and a good story. Anyway reading from your teach me that you care about your name. You honour those who honor you, and stand for you and who stand by their convictions and defend who you are, and defend your honor. And you teach about sin, and how seriously we should take it, maybe we should grieve about it more, and be more serious about getting rid of it in our lives with your help of course!..hehe..

Worship practice was great, but then after I found out some good news, yet it made me feel alittle anxious and concerned. Two more people gene and wallace will be joining our small group more. Ahh, it made me think about leadership and keeping this group growing. Well I'm not going to worry, this group is your group, you are the leader, you lead. Guide this group forward, I'm just going to do what I can! do the rest!..

Sunday, May 02, 2004

In your time!!

Beautiful Song!!...

In his time

In His time, in His time
He makes all things beautiful in His time
Lord my life to you I bring, may each song I have to sing, be to you a lovely thing
In His time

In your time, in your time
You make all things beautiful in Your time

I need you!!

Well, what a week and a weekend. Started off last week discouraged and unsured about whether I will get a job or not. But thank God, I got a job, well a summer job. I feel what a blessing!, I will take this summer to reflect upon the future as well as plan for it. Looking at some specifc industries that i want to get into, as well as seeing whether or not a future in the government is a possibility for me. I just want to thank God, for blessings family. Today we had a dinner at my sister's place, just my whole family together enjoying ourselves, along with baby anna! muaah! my sweet heart!...I'm not going to take them for granted, and I especially don't want to take baby anna for granted...I wanna be the best uncle in the whole wide world!! super uncle!! haha..

Today at service you reminded of a few things. Helped to realize what kind of worship is acceptable to you and what kind of worship you are excited about! You remind me to obey, to love my neighbour as myself, to be unselfish, and super generous! love the poor, orphans and widows. You remind me that my role in cell group as "worship leader" is soo much more than songs! To choose songs that inspire and challenge others is a worthy cause, but also planning programs, being involved in leading different things like prayer, bible study, outreaches, are all part of my role, and thinking about how to lead this group forward.
I won't shut up!...You teach me to speak up!, to challenge the way things are. And yet be teachable, and learn to listen with love. and work together with others.

You call me...yet I ignore you!..
hmmm, you call Lord to spend time with you, or pray, yet sometimes I have ignored your gentle are first! Help me not to ignore your still small voice, that bids me to come! come to me!

Oh boyy!!!
I start work tommorrow!! at 8am! a little scared...yet excited!! yippee!!
Help me to be nice! I wanna be genuine person, real!, not fake!, real about my faith, and unashamed! Use me! to prepare the way for you! Grant me many many opportunities to talk about you Jesus Christ!, To plan seeds and save people from the fire! When they look at me, may they see the image of Jesus! He's alive in me! There's something different about me!

In Your time, you make all things beautiful!...
In your hands I commit the things that are in my heart. Things that I want, things that I hope for!...and father, fill me with peace, joy, and confidence in you!..that in your time you make all things beautiful!