Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I do what I can..you do the rest..

Yeah, went to work, then went to worship practice soon after. I'm starting to read again...I'm reading the Cather in the rye..I remember reading it in highschool, but it was long ago, I thought it would interesting to go back and read interesting stuff again. It's a good book, and a good story. Anyway reading from your word..you teach me that you care about your name. You honour those who honor you, and stand for you and who stand by their convictions and defend who you are, and defend your honor. And you teach about sin, and how seriously we should take it, maybe we should grieve about it more, and be more serious about getting rid of it in our lives with your help of course!..hehe..

Worship practice was great, but then after I found out some good news, yet it made me feel alittle anxious and concerned. Two more people gene and wallace will be joining our small group more. Ahh, it made me think about leadership and keeping this group growing. Well I'm not going to worry, this group is your group, you are the leader, you lead. Guide this group forward, I'm just going to do what I can!...you do the rest!..


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