Thursday, April 15, 2004

come in, come in...

Just finished my stats exam final...relieved and yet tired...there's still a little more to go josh!, have to finish a report, study for a final on monday night, and prepare for a job interview with the govt for monday. Things are winding down aren't they? what does the future lie? ...Tired..King of Glory come in, give peace and freedom and I lift up my eyes, my attention and sing, direct my thoughts towards you.

status quo...
Just thinking, that I just shouldn't accept the way things are, there has to be more in this life. In my church, cell group, everything. My cell group, sometimes I feel like we're there more to relax and socialize..don't feel that the passion is there anymore, that we are all accepting things the way they are? is there more? Certainly I don't point any figures at anybody, cause I'm part of it too, so I have to take responsibility. So use my god to bring more to this group, to challenge the way things are, to encourage people to move forward, to new heights.

So..I rest on the promises of God, which is found in your word. I believe in you, and will obey your teachings. I will trust you, and wait upon you for all your promises to be fullfilled to me.

Who do you say I am?...You are the Christ, Son of the Living God...


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