Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Da Vinci code...

The release of the book and movie have erupted a firestorm among the Christian community, and rightly so. I think Christians should be angry over all the claims made in this book. People are wondering what is the truth, and now have a distorted view of Christianity. It does hurt, and we should be angry. I really appreciate God's gift to the Christian community: Christian apologetics, who are skilled at helping equip the church in making an effective defense to the book. God bless these people!

But I also have great joy over the release of this book because it gives Christ the chance to be talked about in the media, and gives Christians a chance to talk to people about Christ. What a challenge and also a opportunity not to be wasted!

Right now I'm reading a critique of the book to help equip myself better in defending Christ. I'm looking forward to talking to my co-workers and others about this book, and hopefully refute the claims in the book.

So I am angry about this book, but I also rejoice as well because I know:

1. Christ is still preached - Phil 1: 15-18
2. God intends good despite this evil book - Gen 50: 19-21
3. It challenges Christians to equip themselves so that we can always give a reason why we believe what we believe - 1 Peter 3:15
4. Despite everything, He reigns!, and nothing can stop His plans and purposes, not even a stupid book! - Rev 5: 12


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Numbering my days....

I just appreciate how God is teaching me a lot about my purpose in life. He's teaching me to make the most out of my short life for His glory. So here I go....

1. Using gifts, talents, resources to honour God
2. Much has been given, therefore, much is required - Matt 13:11 - I was watching a CBC documentary recently about the slums of Bombay, India. There are only a few sections of slums, in this big city, however, there are a million people in each slum. These statistics do boggle the mind don't they? I started to realize my situation. I realized how blessed I am with resources and opportunities. I wonder why God allowed me to be born in one of the richest places in the world.

3. Family first - 1 Tim 5:4 - Loving and taking care of my family is so important. That is something that I will carry on to my own children. I love my neice and nephew so very much, seeing and spending time with them give me so much joy and happiness. They can be a handful sometimes, especially Anna, but she's very much treasured.

4. Learning to laugh - Proverbs 17:22 - I did that today. I met a few people at a softball BBQ and we shared many laughs. This summer, I just want to laugh and have a good time with friends. It's the best medicine.

5. Taming the tongue - James 3:1 - It's incredible what this passage is saying: that it is possible to control our own bodies if we can control our tongues. That is something I have to learn. I realize how much damage and foolishness comes out of my mouth whether I am aware of it or not.

6. Being the fragrance of Christ 2 Cor 2:12-17
7. Being a channel of reconciliation 2 Cor 5: 11-21
8. The harvest is white, but the workers are few - Matt 9:35

- Recently my church had a special missions month. But I've realized that I'm a missionary everyday. I spend most of my time at work and yet forget my ultimate purpose of being there. To be the fragrance of Christ and to be a channel of His reconciliation.

It's been good, and I'm looking forward to the days ahead! Because of Christ, I have purpose.


Monday, May 08, 2006

A little encouragement....

Today at work I just felt discouraged about something. For a while I felt a little sad and disappointed. But during lunch, I remembered that God is faithful to me. I realized that God has been so faithful to my family and I. He has always been there, and He has honored and blessed our family because we have honored Him. You give strength to the humble, and honor those who honor You.

Psalm 90
LORD, YOU have been our dwelling place and our refuge in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth or ever You had formed and given birth to the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting You are God.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

A cool weekend....

I've learned a few things these past couple of days...I've been learning to really understand what it means to "Delight in God." I was really encouraged to just immerse myself in God, and I was trying to understand what it really meant to do that. I've made a list of what I've discovered.

1. Delight in His word
2. Delight in Obedience
3. Delight in Prayer and Worship
4. Delight in pleasing God
5. Delight in loving my neighbour as myself
6. Delight in loving God
7. Delight in using my gifts, resources and talents to honour Him

This weekend was also really good. I spent a lot of time with friends that I really care about. It just reminds me that we need each other and that we can't live this life by ourselves. We need mutual love, support and encouragement. It's God's way of letting us know that He's with us.

I also went to a black church today for a friend's baptism. It was really loud! But it wasn't a bad loud, it was a good loud! People were really praising God with all of their body. I could see some people dancing to the music, and just confessing that the Lord is king in their midst. They were undignified and so expressive. It was really a change from my usual Sunday's, where I attend a more conservative church.

I was reminded the importance of praising God in all circumstances, and giving thanks always, even when we don't feel like it, or when we feel God isn't with us. I also want to be like them, "undignified" in my worship to God. Thank You God for the weekend, it was wonderful.

I was also reading Psalm 90, and I learned that our lives our very short, and that we may die anytime, and if the Lord allows it, we will live until 80 years old. Psalm 90:10-12 says:

The length of our days is seventy years— or eighty, if we have the strength;
yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away....Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

What truth! So my prayer is that He will teach me to number my days, and give me wisdom to know how to live this life in light of that truth.
