Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Da Vinci code...

The release of the book and movie have erupted a firestorm among the Christian community, and rightly so. I think Christians should be angry over all the claims made in this book. People are wondering what is the truth, and now have a distorted view of Christianity. It does hurt, and we should be angry. I really appreciate God's gift to the Christian community: Christian apologetics, who are skilled at helping equip the church in making an effective defense to the book. God bless these people!

But I also have great joy over the release of this book because it gives Christ the chance to be talked about in the media, and gives Christians a chance to talk to people about Christ. What a challenge and also a opportunity not to be wasted!

Right now I'm reading a critique of the book to help equip myself better in defending Christ. I'm looking forward to talking to my co-workers and others about this book, and hopefully refute the claims in the book.

So I am angry about this book, but I also rejoice as well because I know:

1. Christ is still preached - Phil 1: 15-18
2. God intends good despite this evil book - Gen 50: 19-21
3. It challenges Christians to equip themselves so that we can always give a reason why we believe what we believe - 1 Peter 3:15
4. Despite everything, He reigns!, and nothing can stop His plans and purposes, not even a stupid book! - Rev 5: 12



At 6:27 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.


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