Prayer of Jabez....I've reading this book called "Beyond Jabez" and it's just a follow-up by Bruce further clarfiying the prayer and telling stories of answers prayers and God's awesomeness in my people lives. It's really inspiring, and I'm just learning that we can dream big for God and he is able to bring to pass the things we want to accomplish for Him.
My prayer is that God would bless me, so that I can be a blessing to others, that he would expand my influence for Him and that He would protect from evil.
Before I read this book, I never really thought about praying for blessing, though this blessing could be material or immaterial, I always thought that it can open the door to greed or just self-centredness. But I'm learning that if our heart is pure, and that if we ask to be blessed not just for ourselves but ultimately for other people, I think God would answer and honor that prayer. Many times we do not receive because we do not ask. Many times we do not see the power of God in our lives because we lack faith. He is indeed our heavenly Father, and loves to give us good gifts and loves to see His children serving Him.
So I'm praying this prayer many times and waiting on God to see it being answered. I could come in very subtle ways or big ways. But the key is really to seize whatever opportunity that God puts in front of you and bless others.
I think God has really stirred up in me a deep desire to visit Africa. I'm looking for a mission opportunity but I can't seem to find one. I just feel in my heart and longing to see these people, especially the little children, and to live in their shoes and bless them, empower them and encourage them! So I've been praying that the Lord will open up an opportunity for me to go.
A Holy God.....At church our sermon series is the Lord's prayer. Last Sunday Pastor Steve preached on "Hallowed be your name." He challenged us to pray this prayer and discover God's holiness during the week.
His holiness can be interpreted in many ways: Set apart, God without sin, far above, totally different from us.
I think God has been teaching me this important less Isaiah 55:
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. "I'm trying to make plans for my future in terms of my career and other activities. I'm even working on my resume and will start to apply for jobs. And I plan to take a course.
As I do these things and make plans, I want to just be open to His leading and guidance and perhaps Him changing the course that I'm taking.'s a song that's really nice by
Matt Redman that I've been humming....
Greatest Gift (Condemnation Falls Away)Condemnation falls away
Never more to call on me
and I am clean, I am clean
The powerful work of You in me
Breaks the chains of guilt and shame
And I go free, I go free
I take them to Your cross and leave them there
Captured by this grace, I’m free at last
It is the great gift of Your salvation
Working in me, working in me
It is the life giving taste of heaven
Your kindness revealed
Your kindness revealed to me
It’s the greatest gift of all
It’s the greatest gift of all
It’s the greatest gift of all
Your mercy’s pouring down on me
Your mercy’s pouring down on me
And I am clean, yes I am clean
Your mercy’s pouring down on me
your mercy’s pouring down on me
And I go free, yes I go free