Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Look at me!...Come to Me...I have things to tell You!

I constantly think about her every day, man! I love her so much!.. It hurts a lot. I'm unsure about my career and the future, and ministry about how to relate to her, when I'll get over her. And I do dwell upon these things, and allow it to burden me. Then God says to "Look at me!...Come to Me...I have things to tell You!" and that's what I've been learning to just come to Him. He's the source, he's everything. And I've also been learning about obedience, I've asked God some questions, and I feel that He wants me to do certain things that I'm uncomfortable with, but out of obedience I should do it and trust God with the results. I've often asked God to speak to me, and that I want to hear His voice. God's been challenging me by asking me "Do you really?...and How bad do you want to hear my voice?" because sometimes God asked us to do things we don't want to do, or things that we are afraid or relunctant to do, and He challenged me not to be pick and choose what I want to obey, but accept everything, and then blessing will come to me.

There is purpose in everything - in trial, in pain, in confusion, suffering, daily living, and relationships.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I saw the passion in your eyes...

Today I went to the Walk in the word b/ was really cool and amazing....really encouraged to keep praising Him, and to keep trusting Him in all things. When I was singing to God during the Worship time, I realized this is the place where I want to be!, Looking to Him, singing to Him, my eyes at Him! Really love hearing God's word! love it!

There are really two cool things that gave me a lot of joy!

1. When I first signed up to the gym, the guy who gave me a fitness evaluation was there tonight! That's so amazing. i don't know why it made me happy to see him, it just simply gave me a lot of joy.

2. I was sharing with one of the volunteers, and we started to open up to each other. We both have similar experiences, and we ended up sharing our struggles with each other, then we prayed together. When he was sharing, I saw the fire and passion in his eyes when he was talking about God. Wow! amazing... it was just really inspiring.


Sunday, November 20, 2005

I seek you...

Like moses said..."show me your glory" and God and Him were so initimate, friend to friend..and He really did see the glory of God, and strength to continue on, to do His will, flowed from that place. That is my desire too! Lord show me your glory, let's fellowship, and then let's walk together, let's do your will together every single day..


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I see...

I realized and am reminded that God loves a heart that longs for Him, a heart that just desires to do His will, a heart that is not content, but always seeks and prays for more. He is so pleased when we pray diligently and passionately about the things of His heart. I sense you are with me always, every step, you are changing me, and working through me. You are transforming me to want to know you are more, and to want to carry out your will...always.

sooo I look to you, and so I hold on to you, and so I rest my head upon your shoulders.
All Glory to Jesus Christ my Lord, Saviour, King, and closest friend.


Saturday, November 05, 2005

I feel...

I feel like you're giving me strength, I feel you so close to me, I feel you're peace, I feel that you are changing me, I love it when you are working in me God. This heart is hungry for you, and this heart wants to be changed by you. Change me in every way, spiritually, mentally and physically.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Finally edifying comment!!!

I've allowed people to post comments after each entry, and usually people post products to me.
Finally somebody posts an edifying comment! And when I read it, it really strengthened me.

"keep your heart open and filled with the spirit and at the right time you will know what to do."