Sunday, October 22, 2006

You are God and I am not!

I'm really bad! I haven't updated my blog for a while, it's just that I've been lazy! Sorry to all of my faithful fans (Ryan).

Here's what's going on in my life..

I was praying about something that I've always wanted, and God gave it to me. I had the option of walking through the door He opened. But I don't think I'm going to walk through it. I think God granted my request to show me what's really occupying my heart. Upon reflection, I felt like He was showing me that I'm so selfish, and everything was about me me me! can go ahead and fullfill your dreams, but what about God's dreams? I just felt like there was much here in Toronto that needed my attention and care, and I needed to continue focusing my life and energy on the things that were important to God. If it's important to Him, it's important to me!

Ryan I hope you are not disappointed in me, but I trust that you support me 100% no matter what happens.

Recently He's been teaching me a very important lesson. The Lord has given me a "thorn" in my flesh that just doesn't seem to go away. It always makes me weak, and makes me trust Him.
So many times I have prayed that He would take it away, and he has taken it away to certain extent but it is still very much in my life.

I realized why it was there. So many times I am so proud and think I'm better than people and as a result God quickly humbles me once again.

Another reason is that God wants to show me how much I need Him!

But there is one more reason why He has given me this "thorn." When I reflect on this, I think it is the most important lesson to learn. He's using this trial to keep my heart tender towards Him, so that I can listen to Him and be sensitive to His guidance. All this tenderness leads to doing His will and help others. So at the end of the day, it's really about giving God glory and about reaching out to others or encouraging others through word or deed and through my life example.

So it's not about me. It's so much more than me! It's so much about helping others! It's soo much about You and what You want to accomplish through me.

As I began to reflect on this truth and submitted myself to Him, I saw that He began to use me. That's the place where we should always be, "He is God, and we are not."

Philippians 1:20...

I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

.....Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.


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