Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Under Him.....

The Lord's been teaching and reminding me of many things. I'm just so happy to be under His care, and to do things His way. His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. With that in mind, it is completely logical to trust Him in everything. Sometimes we don't realize that God sees our pain, unhappiness, faithfulness and obedience. He is fully aware!

One specific thing I am learning is to properly handle being single. This one single issue is huge for me. All my friends are dating and some are even married, and as a result, there is a natural temptation to date. Even my ex-g/f is with someone....I am happy for her.

But God just very gently said to me "wait and be patient."

When I reflected upon this, I realize that He's right! God is so wise. He know's exactly what is good for me, and when it is the right time date. I don't think I am ready for a relationship, because I still need to grow so much and this can only happen while in singleness. I think I'm also still emotional about my past relationship, and He is still healing me from that.

So my prayer is that God will purify, change, grow, and heal me daily.


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