Friday, April 15, 2005

Love her too much....

I was thinking today...
Could I be her friend? I don't think so. Not right now. Not for a long time. Don't have a time frame, indefinitly. I love her so much, cared about her soo much, saw her as much more than a girlfriend, and saw a future with her. Was prepared to go all the way with her. I still feel that way about her. I would take her back any day if she wanted to come back.
I am not a light switch. My emotions don't turn on and off. Even though I love her so much, I'm also angry and frustrated with her. I don't know when I will stop loving her like I do now.

Therefore, I can't be her friend, not for a long time, indefinitly. It's either we are dating or we can't be friends. Still trying to get through this. "I love her, but only on my own."


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