Tuesday, December 05, 2006

We are called to be a people of compassion...

I turned on the tv just now, and was watching a program on CBC. This reporter Mark Kelley was invited to this school in BC. It was rated the worst school by the Fraser Institute. Perhaps this is true, depending how you look at things, but the Principal invited this reporter to come to the school, and to teach and to do a little documentary about the kids.

Many of these kids are natives, and they have severe learning disabilities, some cannot spell correctly, and a lot of them don't have any identity; they have no idea who they are. Mark taught one class, and told them to write why they are special, but most of them didn't have anything to say about themselves; it was really sad. One kid didn't even have dinner or breakfast and as result he couldn't focus in class.

We can't forget about these kids and the Lord tells us not to forget them. They need so much of love, encouragement and people who speak truth into their lives.

Canadians need to be a people of compassion and generosity and justice.

The Lord demands justice: concern for widows, orphans and the poor.

Lord, I am available for this task...always!.....



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