Thursday, February 09, 2006

Reality of a fallen world...

I really enjoy reading and watching in their various forms through the newspapers, internet, radio and television. Every day I read about a fallen world. From the war in Iraq, to terrorism, to North Korea, to Iran and the Middle East, and to Canada. News about deadly viruses that will spread around the world as well as the effects of global warming.

Recently we read about how a cartoon depicting Muhammad in a negative or poor light, which caused uproar and violence across the Middle East causing death, and destruction. I look at that incident and think to myself, "How many times has my Jesus been depicted in a negative light?" or "how many times have I heard the name "Jesus" spoken in a vain, or casual way?" and yet Christians don't hurt anybody for that, do way?? Or even better, the sacredness of marriage is being changed to accomodate same sex couples, or the legality of abortion, wow! I think that's even worst!, maybe Christians should be up in arms!!?? But I don't think we are taught to do those things, rather we are taught to set a high standard of moral excellence for people to follow. Whether it be, having great marriages and families, being good parents, and being productive members of society. We are taught the value of living for God in holiness, obedience, and loving our neighbours as ourselves.

Aids and famine in Africa, the depletion of moral values, sex and violence in the media, the negative influence of money, and gun crime are plaguing my city and world.

I see the world, and I see a lost and hopeless people, who need a saviour. Who need Jesus. They need healing, mercy, and compassion.

So this is my prayer:

God, send out your church, help your church to be the light and salt of the world, to go and reach out with Your love and gospel. Help your church, to live pure lives, lives that reflect what a Christian ought to be.

Help me! show me how I can make a difference in every way: family, church, friends, city, country and world. Use me Lord! Renew, or give me any vision that I ought to be pursuing.
I'm going to keep praying, and living for You!



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