Sunday, October 02, 2005

single minded...whole hearted...

God has been teaching me many things over the months. Recently he has been teaching me to be still and to follow him. Many things can trouble me, but God constantly tells me to be quiet, sit down, and be still. So many things that I want and desire, and I do not have. But God tells me to follow him! And he will watch and take care of me, he knows what I long for, and hope for, and desire.

I thank God for allowing me to be an influence on others through worship, cell group, friendships, family, and workplace. I thank God for the opportunity to serve, God please continue to expand my influence and continue to make me an influence.

You challenge with Psalm 24. Give us clean hands and a pure heart. Lord, give me integrity, may my words, actions, thoughts, motives always be pleasing to You. As I do those things, make me into a History Maker! Being a history maker, isn’t really about the grand things, but really about the choices we make, and how we live our lives.

But having said that, I still dream big for God. I want deepwaters – to be an influence to the young people of Toronto, Canada and the world. I want to be involved with College ministries so that young people can be passionate about him. God I commit these dreams to you, that you might fulfill them in my lifetime.

You challenge me to be bold about sharing my faith with others at work. So many times, I’m so timid and don’t speak up about you. They need to know you!! Don’t they?
God help me to change.

I see my ex-girlfriend a lot! I wonder if we still have chance!? I wonder what she thinks? Has she moved on? Do you love me like I do you?
Anyways…I give these to you God, in your time, you make all things beautiful!

Joshy – signing out….


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