Thursday, February 03, 2005

I look to you again and again and again....

I look to you again, and again , and again. Every minute of the day, every hour, every second. I give her back to you, how I feel, and the pain. I can't change the way I feel about her. But I feel like she is pushing me away. I thought she wanted to be the best of friends. I wish that she understood the depth and length, and height of how I truly see her. But a friend reminded me: "love is not mathematics"...true true...Don't give up on her. God didn't give up on me.

A song that someone wrote today that was sent to me, to critique...

"A song of sacrifice" by - Gene Chuah

I bring me as I am Into your holy house
Knowing that you're glad That your child is here
I put my thoughts aside My burdens at your feet
All my strength my soul Are my offering

Here's my sacrifice A song of praise to You
I know you're listening when I worship You with all my heart

I was made to Sing you praise
and Give back all I am



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