Sunday, March 21, 2004

Trip to Guelph....

Wow, so thankful Dear Lord, for a great trip to Guelph this past weekend..We didn't do so much, but it was just a time of hanging out with your best friend..and laughing, drinking beer, playing we rode bikes everywhere..reason..cause we didn't have cars...boy was it head shivers...but it was worth the trip. What a time to get away, and be quiet, be in a quiet place, and learn from God, and spend time with a good friend. On the bus to guelph, God taught me a few was sorta related to the parable of the talents, and how whatever God gives me, time, talents, and opportunities, that I should just go for it..and take a chance, even though I get scared, or freeze or become afraid, or feel so little, I should do it..all for God and let God take care of the rest. I feel that it is good to take chances and to step up, and grow!..I love you god, and forgive me for not spending that time with you to get connected to you, and not reading your word regularly. Lord, give me strength, endurance, patience to run this race!, to not give up..Lord give me wisdom and an open heart to learn what you are teaching me right now.. Lord I give you all of my burdens and all of my pain.. that I can please you in every way..bearing fruit for you, living according to your will..that I may know what is the hope to which you have called me, what are the riches of your glorious inheritance and the immeasurable power greatness of your power for us who believe, according to your work of your great power. ...I love the small city..there's little crime, good place to raise a family..and I may consider moving one day to a small city.. Lord I place all my burdens and cares in your hands, everything in my heart in your hands...Lord make me into a Godly man..passionate for you..undying love, that I would do anything, and everything for you...Jesus Christ the reason I live...


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