Monday, March 15, 2004

I admit, I totally tried to rush God when it's not His timing yet. I got so anxious and so focused on something I shouldn't have. Forgive me God. Yesterday at church the sermon was on prayer. The prayer Paul prayed for the Colossians was the text of the message. Col 1:9-14 was the text. I must confess that I may have been praying too much about one thing, which showed how selfish I am..and not enough about pleasing God. This prayer showed a priority of a Godly man. To be able to know God's will-which is to live a life worthy of Him, and can please Him in every way. The characteristics of this kind of life-being an effective Christian, experiencing God more, have endurance and patience for the journey, and always giving thanks. Man! what a life that is!, I think I should be praying about this more. I know it's not wrong to pray about my girl problems, but I better know my priorities. I have to write more soon...I will....


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