Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A whole new attitude???

Wow...i think my attitude has changed quite quickly in the last 24 hours. Yesterday God convicted me, and told me I treated the whole situtation like Idolatry. I repented during the night. Then I prayed God help me, show me what to do, and He did....through this incident.....

My eye was really hurting today, I think it was because something got into it. So when I got home, I had to rest in bed to rest my eye.

I think it was a time for God to speak to me deeply about something, because I didn't fall asleep.
I just felt God healing me a lot, and washing away a lot of the pain. And I felt that God was telling me to reconcile with her and reach out to her to seek a friendship with her. To ask for her forgiveness, and be a supportive friend. I felt that God was telling me, that our friendship has a huge gap!, and huge healing, and huge obstacles in order for us to reach a comfortable level of friendship between us again. I don't know how to reach out to her again, I'm praying when is the right time to talk to her, I don't know what her reaction will be. And I just want to reach out to her as a friend, and a brother...I guess I don't know how's she going to react.
Anyway, I'm going to pray about this, and see how God might answer this prayer.
I realize that she is in a relationship with someone else, and I don't want her to think I'm pursuing or chasing her...Just want to be do I tell her? how do I approach it...??
Once again, I need to pray about this, and will seek the advice of some friends..


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