Wednesday, March 16, 2005

You are my way, my truth and my life...Confrontation Day...

Thank you for confronting me today from your word. I was reading a book "The case for faith" it's very interesting. I must say I'm not as intellectually strong about my faith as maybe I should be, so I thought about trying to strengthen my mind. It's been successful and unsuccessful because it's going to take a while for me to get stronger in this area.

It's encouraging to hear what God is doing in the world. Especially in the muslim world. I have heard stories about God speaking to unbelievers in dreams about Jesus. Where no Christian has ever spoken to them about the gospel! Amazing! It really does show that NO ONE has an excuse at judgement. Because, God is always speaking, it's just a matter of people responding to Him, and those that seek with all of their heart, they will for sure find JESUS! woo hoo! But that doesn't excuse Christians from evangelizing. We must reach out. The harvest is plentiful!

But there was one thing that spoke to me. There was this young teen from India, who tried to commit suicide by drinking poison. He was almost successful at killing himself, but a servant in the house came to his aid, brought him to the hospital and the poison was removed from him. While in recover, his mother read him some scripture..."I am the way the truth and the life...." It spoke very powerfully to him at that moment, to the point where he gave his life to Christ, and now he is a famous evangelist. His name is Ravi Zacharias.

It spoke to me to, in my present situation. You are my way, my truth and my life. You are everything to me, my grace, my strength, my light, the one that I follow and depend on, the one who gives wisdom and answers, the one who gives eternal and abundant life, the one who defends and heals me, the one who forgives me, and the one who gives grace and peace to me every morning.

I realized that she isn't coming back to me. She will never come back to me again. I'm trying to drill that into my head and heart right now, and accept that.

Therefore, my recovery program is on its are my thoughts about how I can get get healed...Considering serving in my church's youth group, maybe a change of scenery will do me some good and provide me with more challenge and new opportunity to help young people. Continuing to write songs. Continuing to lean on the support of friends. Yeah, continuing to visit other churches, I really need to do that right now. I'm not church hopping, just visiting, and seeing new believers, and experiencing freshness in my life. Plus I need time to heal my heart right now.

I think about her every day, even right now. I miss and love her so much! Come on JOSH drill it into your head!! I'm always slow at realizing and accepting things sometimes. Especially when it comes to girls. She's not coming back to you JOSH! get it into your head!!
Okay for sure I need to get away!


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